“Vin Kridakorn takes on an insanely difficult script and makes it look effortless, jumping into new scenes, new emotions, and new conflicts with striking precision.” - Kalaprapruek
“This love story is well told and nicely executed, with sword fight, strong personalities, and humor. There is lots of universal value that transcends the gap between different cultures and between different time periods.”
“Vin KridaKorn is excellent as Max. This actor understands his character, and the emptiness he feels inside is tangible. He is our protagonist and we are with him every step of the way. His pain becomes our pain—he is so vulnerable that we can literally walk a mile in his shoes.” - Theatre That matters
“Vin Kridakorn’s cheery portrayal of Max is the play’s centerpiece. Youthful, animated and personable, Mr. Kridakorn beautifully conveys the role’s mounting psychological complexities as the poignant denouement is reached.” - Theatre Scene
"In a world where women are a myth two men seek to create one in less than ideal conditions. Both brutal and visceral, “Eveless” is the second best short of the lot, in my opinion. With good performances and a couple of hard to watch moments it was the only segment that truly horrified me. The desperation and determination of both men to and a way to create a female life is palpable and the lengths they are willing to go to in order to do it are terrifying. Really solid entry. 5 out of 5" - Horror Society
“Milkshake takes a unique, even-keeled approach to an involving story. Both Kridakorn and Lupi give low-key, yet winning performances as the close siblings suddenly thrust into a most difficult situation.”
"Henry is the character that struggles with self-control and changes the most in each scene -- pathetic and implacable in the first scene, proud and temperamental in the second and calm but resentful in the third. Bhanbhassa chose the perfect actor for this challenge. Vin is fearless and brings a lot of energy to the play." - Bangkok Post
"And while New York-based Thai actor Vin Kridakorn, in the play’s poster, looked like his character didn’t quite belong to this play, he, as Henri, blew his co-actors off the stage with strong characterisation and clear diction –audience members in the balcony could hear and understand every word." - The Nation
"We were charmed by Jonathan, played by an Asian actor who was so convincing that readers of the actual novel may even believe that Jonathan, who was supposed to be white, may in fact look this way. He was able to convey fear and despair of being trapped in the dark world of Dracula. It was an admirable feat." - Hiclass Society
"For the most part, the energy for the play depends on Van Helsing (Joe Dixon), Seward (Christopher Brand), Harker (Vin Kridaorn), all of whom have done an excellent job." - Bangkok Post
“Play Name is a deeply personal project, although I wasn't aware of that at first. It wasn't until Vin, an incredible actor, broke down crying while we were shooting the film's final scene, that I understood the movie's true motivation.” - Director Dave Snyder
“Truly this is a movement piece and all the prformers on stage are masters of it.” -
“Director Jordan Rosin’s successful synthesis of classical Greek and Japanese traditions enriches the myth at the piece's core, as do commanding, physically impressive performances from the Ume Group.” - named Butoh Electra one of the highlights of the NY Fringe Festival
“Butoh Electra manages to drive its points home through the strong physical acting of its 10-member ensemble.” -
"Vin Kridakorn pulls off not only Sean's sometimes wide emotional swings but also the vital trick of retaining a core of audience sympathy for Sean despite plenty of unappealingly (self-)destructive behavior." - Culture Catch
"Vin Kridakorn is mesmerizing in his role as Matt. Kridakorn’s phenomenal acting skills are captivating and enviable, with his perfect capture of internal conflict and evocation of conflicting emotions, his precise shifts from different emotions in a beautiful yet believable way, and his physical portrayal of a character who is at his wit’s end. Kridakorn’s use of body language to show the audience his character’s inner despair is elegantly subtle, such as the way he moves a glass in his hands or the way he sits down on a chair mid-conversation." - Outer-Stage
“Even the darkest evil is brightly beautiful in “The White Snake,” a play that doesn’t want a single scene to whiz by without a wow from the audience. More often than not, this bold show, in its first East Coast production at the McCarter Theater in Princeton, sparks that kind of excitement.” - New York Times
“It is difficult to think of a play of any sort that inspired in an opening night audience the kind of gaping, almost childlike delight inspired by The White Snake.” -
“OK, let’s unpack our adjectives: Dazzling. Magical. Ethereal. Transporting. Elegant. Funny. Gorgeous. Got the idea yet that I liked “The White Snake,” which made its world premiere in the Bowmer on Saturday afternoon? I wasn’t the only one — not by a long shot. How about a few more: Stupendous. Moving.” - Bob Keefer The Reigster-Guard
“Nowhere is this more poignantly revealed than in the video dating bio of Wesley, (Vin Kridakorn) a skinny kid wearing an oxygen tube who is equipped with a list of items to which he is allergic that he reveals as if it were an aria.” -
“Vin Kridakorn brings the audience to fits of laughter with his conveyance of a ho-hum, Eeyore-ish dweeb’s dating video.” - Theatre is Easy